Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not falling apart.

My life isn't falling apart.
It just ~feels~ like it.

Pain is a test I'm failing.


Blogger Eight Lives Left said...

I'm sorry things are tough. I sent you another letter, but perhaps I should do something a little more immediate.

I would help if I could. It's awful to feel alone.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Lyria Lin said...

Well I don't know what's up but I hope it gets better.

To speak to what I do know - physical pain makes everything worse too - it wears down your energy and it sucks. :( And if you're used to dancing and walking to get time for yourself then hurting a knee wrecks that. It's a lousy cycle. After Carl tore his ACL (is that what yours is?) he went through quite a rough time.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

That's what is going on.
The physical pain of the knee (yes, it's just what Carl did - a tear in the ACL) just eats up our energy. That's when we realise how very fragile all the hard-won peace, employment, love and friendship is.
Perhaps, later, it I will realise how resilient they are as well.
Thank you all/both.

9:07 PM  
Blogger Lyria Lin said...

I'm sure you will get the realization on the other side. :)

If you would like some encouraging thoughts, Carl's knee didn't get better on its own, so he had the surgery just to remove the bit of ACL that was err, in technical language "dangling there" (minor day surgery) and although he's sort of restricted from doing roundhouse kicks and weird stuff, at least without a brace, he hasn't had any problems since.

I rather hope yours doesn't need the surgery at all but there is hope if it does. :-)


9:45 PM  
Blogger moreheads said...

Your body's just complain very very loudly. It still loves you. : ) I hope it gets better sooner. Hugs Nikie...

4:46 AM  

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