Monday, April 21, 2008


It seems we are still (some of us) mildly intolerant of milk.
How can a PERSONALITY affect such a thing, it defies logic. Nevertheless only a fool would deny her own senses and experiences and we have TESTED ourselves repeatedly. It simply must be so.

Skink suggests train whistle causation analogy.
(ie. the whistle blows because the train is coming)
To this Manny suggests that either way it's a good idea to get off the damn tracks.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Did you know?

It's true.
Wearing a bra is associated with 12,500 times the relative risk for breast cancer.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

T is for tea.

We are considering taking a term off bellydance altogether and crosstraining - trying to get some other muscles really strong. Just an instinct that we might need to take a break from the constant use of the muscles we use to bellydance to let others develop. It's an instinct spinning a little theory at the moment. We'll see. It would have to be worth it to lose the joy of dancing for Calypso. She'd have to agree.

In other health news things are good.