Monday, August 27, 2007

Ms Bloom says yes.

We're very well - our knee is better than it has been for years and our current dance schedule is perfect: we're teaching dance three times a week and studying circuit training, tai chi and jazz/fusion dance once a week each. Each of these sessions are one an a half hours long, mostly evenings, but tai chi on a morning and one bellydance on a morning, nicely spaced throughout the week and with one fantastic three hour long dance session which starts with us teaching bellydance then is immediately followed by our beautiful dance teacher's dance class.

We can take pilates and there's a pool bus to Bigsplat once a week too, if we have time, so far we haven't had time, but perhaps this week?

We're trying to up the number of meals catering to the many vegan, vegetarian, vegan + honey + free range eggs, no dairy or red meat, etc. dietary preferences here at Polly HQ. I think that the key to this is for us to think of it in terms of meals rather than the old way (we broke up the week into different days for different food preferences) as we are trying to include frequent short spans of fronting for everyone who wants to, every day, in the hope that all people of polly who want to be out here living this life are out here often enough for the shifts to be less physically painful, and to try to maintain/establish meaningful connections to our collective friends and gray. Also, in a wholly unexpected development, some dungeon have turned vegan, including Gruesome. With dungeon's powerful political clout now divided on these issues, perhaps it is time for vegans to have more time out.

The exercises that our Xian gave us seem to have reduced the "Something Awful" pain and the experience is much less upsetting now we understand it as basically an error of nervous judgement (hah!) rather than a symptom of something scary. When we feel the pain we know that it doesn't indicate any actual damage is occurring and that is comforting, though it is still rather painful sometimes. Not today.
